I trembled…

I trembled…. ::.. [Written by: Unknown]

Each time l remembered that my Sins is as big as mountain,
my good deed as small as an Ant………..l trembled.

Each time l remembered that my disobedience to ALLAH’S commandment is as plenty as Stars,
my obedience as little as pinch of salt……..l trembled.

Trembled because I REMEMBER the day My Eyes shall see no more…..

My Ears shall hear no more……
My Mouth shall speak no more…….
My Hands shall lift no more……..
My Legs shall walk no more and My Heart shall beat no more…….

I REMEMBER ………when My Family shall desert me,
My Friends shall desert me ……..
My Wealth shall desert me and l shall abide in a lonely small room……

The day I will stand bare naked before my LORD and all my Deed shall be made glare to me as clear as a Bright Morning….

Ya ALLAH pls safe me from self destruction. HEAVEN is Real and HELL is Real but Worldly Success is an Illusion

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